Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Creating Young Musicians Through Technology

Technology can be used in many ways in the music classroom, but I believe technology most enhances a student’s ability to learn music composition. In the days of Bach, music was hand written and the composer needed to be able to hear what the composition would sound like with all of the instruments. This is a valuable skill, but not accessible for most young musicians. With the use of technology, students will be much more successful at creating their own music.
Electroacoustic sounds give students a realistic version of their music. Students can hear how their composition would sound if it were performed live and can make adjustments to their piece based on what they hear. They may find that certain instruments do not sound well together or that the instruments they chose do not represent the emotion that want to audience to experience. Music Sparkles is an app that includes sounds from common and many uncommon instruments. This app can be used to help students experience the sounds of different instruments and learn instrument families. Toca Band is another app that lets kids pick from more than 15 musical characters and "play" them on stage by dragging and dropping them into the spotlights. Scape is another app that lets kids generate ambient music as they combine shapes, colors, and textures onto a blank palette. They can learn that music has different "moods" and explore the tranquil sounds. Garage Band is one of the most popular music composition technologies used by young students. This software allows students to sequence loops with different instruments to create rock songs


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